Matt Retallick
23rd September 2022: Bankley Open 2022

Bankley Open 2022, Bankley Gallery + Studios, Manchester.

23rd September - 9th October 2022.

'As part of Bankley's continuing 30 year celebrations, we present an exhibition of 20 artists selected through our annual open call, chosen this year by curator Matt Retallick and artist Ruth Murray. On the opening weekend, all three floors of our artist's studios will be open to the public.

Artists: David Cooper, Paul Vivian, Alice Macdonald, Peter Symonds, Jack Paffett, Narbi Price, Joseph Dilnot, Lotti V Closs, Fleur Yearsley, Laura Bygrave, Melanie Berman, Christopher Tansey, Beatrice Galletley, Gareth Kemp, Paul Dodgson, Tommy Harrison, John Cake, Luke Skiffington, Meriel Clarke, Yasmine Robinson'.