Matt Retallick
Saint Peter's Loft: Talk at Penwith Gallery

A talk at Penwith Gallery as part of the St Ives September Festival, 22nd September 2023.

'Join art historian Matt Retallick for a talk on the Saint Peter’s Loft school. Founded by artists Peter Lanyon, William Redgrave and Terry Frost, the art school was operational between 1954 and 1961 above what is now Penwith Gallery. Although short lived, it became an influential centre for art in Cornwall with many notable students. Included amongst these were Karl Weschke, Wilhelmina Barns Graham, Jeremy Le Grice and Tony O’Malley. Matt is the first person to research the loft, a significant part of his doctorate on the painter Karl Weschke.'

The talk was held at Penwith Gallery.

Image: Saint Peter's Loft courtesy of the Peter Lanyon Archive.